"With reference to The Jade Peony, discuss the type of relationship that Sek-Lung and his grandmother have with each other." eNotes Editorial, 14 July 2020, -help/with-reference-to-the-jade-peony-discuss-the-type-2365461.Accessed 9 Feb. 2023.
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Sek-Lung understands the profound effect this person had and still has on his grandmother. She not only loves this actor deeply, but also keeps him alive through her recounting of stories and teaching of skills and games to Sek-Lung. Before leaving her, the actor gifts her with a wind chime containing a jade peony. Sek-Lung helps his grandmother construct more wind chimes.
After Grandmama passes away and Sek-Lung's father hangs up the last wind chime they made together, Sek-Lung finds the treasured jade peony, the gift from her lost love. Sek-Lung and his grandmother are forever connected like soulmates. In a way, the grandson becomes connected to his grandmother as well as her lost love via the jade peony. At the end, Sek-Lung misses his grandmother but continues to feel her spirit and love. 2ff7e9595c